La Peregrina Magazine is a non lucrative Website and all music and images files are exclusively used with the intention of cultural and educational enjoyment. We altruistically promote musicians, poets, writers, artists, and all the expressions of the Arts. The published material is copyrighted free to use ONLY with the permission of the authors. Thank you.
Website designed by C. K. Aldrey with WebStarts Editor software. / Banner by Music: Adagio Lamentoso, del compositor portugués Bruno Miguel Miranda. Fotografía de portada de Elena Tamargo por Marta Ramos. Editores de la presente entrega: Manuel A. López y Carmen Karin Aldrey.

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Entrega anterior
Carta abierta de Manny López

Elena Tamargo

Cabañas, marzo 4, 1957
Miami, noviembre 20, 2011

Dos Poemas

La novela del Cáncer